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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare is a collection of all the plays, sonnets, and other poems written by the famous English playwright and poet William Shakespeare. It was first published in 1623-1624 in the First Folio edition, which was compiled by two of Shakespeare's fellow actors, John Heminges and Henry Condell, after the author's death.

The collection includes 38 plays, divided into three main genres: tragedies, comedies, and histories. Some of the most famous works in the collection include "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliet," "King Lear," and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The collection also includes Shakespeare's famous sonnets, as well as other poems.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare has been reprinted numerous times since its first publication, and is considered a cornerstone of English literature. Shakespeare's plays and poetry are still widely studied and performed today, and have had a profound influence on Western culture.


Il existe plusieurs éditions en français de cette œuvre majeure de la littérature anglaise, traduites par différents auteurs. Les éditions les plus courantes incluent les 37 pièces de théâtre de Shakespeare, ainsi que ses poèmes.

Parmi les traductions françaises les plus connues, on peut citer celle de François Guizot, parue en 1821, celle de Victor Hugo, publiée en 1864, ou encore celle de Jean-Michel Déprats, publiée en 2012. Ces différentes traductions ont chacune leur style et leur particularité, mais elles ont toutes contribué à faire découvrir Shakespeare au public francophone et à assurer la renommée de l'auteur dans le monde entier.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

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